In January 2024, there were 12,218 submissions to the Newgrounds Audio Portal, by far the most in the Portal's 21-year history. This is actually quite easy to verify: the first submission of February was @Urielthepro's "February", and the first one of January that wasn't subsequently taken down was @IvySnyder's "24-1-1-1-1" (the true first of the month - this one - was taken down sometime in January). Just subtract the audio IDs from each other, and add 1 for the missing "true first," and you come up with 12,218.
And yes, I figure out this number every month because I'm an absolutely UNWIELDY stat nerd. The previous record was 11,646 submissions in June 2021. Here's a chart of the number of Audio Portal submissions every month since February 2003:
TL;DR: I'm a huge dweeb and the AP is as popular as ever. :)
my song was actually uploaded on the 1st of February lol.
It was at exactly midnight.
The true last submission of January was this:
I think that every January has a higher than usual number of submissions due to Jamuary which has a lot of participants (including me)
Ah, yes. I explained that wrong in the original version of the news post. Calculating the number of submissions in a month should involve subtracting the Audio Portal ID for the first submission of the subsequent month from the first submission of the relevant month. I have edited the post to reflect this. Thanks!