Not bad! The animation is a bit crude, although I like the plot, and the music fits in well. I think the park/city main street scenery is drawn particularly well. Keep it up, flashmakeit! :)
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Not bad! The animation is a bit crude, although I like the plot, and the music fits in well. I think the park/city main street scenery is drawn particularly well. Keep it up, flashmakeit! :)
Okay, enjoy your day
Awesome! Love your self-deprecating sense of humor here and all the different badger lore elements. I remember jamming out to the original badger animation when I was a schoolboy. To think it's been 20 years since it came out is crazy, haha. Rock on, Weebl! ^_^
Disturbing and dystopian. The music really helps set the mood too. Not sure I like the pixelated quality of the animation, but the vivid imagery (puzzle pieces, militaristic marching of the characters, etc.) comes through well regardless. Happy birthday!
This looks awesome! Love the world map radar screen in the background and the gritty, military-style text. Fits the branding of "deathmatch" well. If I had to complain about something, it might be that 482 hours is not a very intuitive period of time to understand. Still, it was a really good idea to post this, and the design is clean. Cheers! ^_^
Thanks! I went with HHH:MM:SS clock because it was a bit shorter than one with days and thus allowed for bigger text, but I'll check how it looks with days included, I'll be making a small update soon in any case.
Cute game! Thematic content is fun, and I like the music and story at the beginning. The concept is a bit simple, and the picture could be a little less pixel-y, but it also gives the animation a fun retro vibe. Keep at it, Nick et al! :)
Great game! The original made my year in 6th grade, and this game is both similar enough in format to rekindle that nostalgia while it's different enough in the strategy and mechanics required to win to keep it interesting. Nice work! Maybe I'll even go to MaxGames later to try it on impossible mode. :)
Love the crisp beats and groovy synth bass at the beginning. The vocals sound powerful and defiant, but also not quite far forward enough in the mix IMO. The synth solo at 1:54 is baller. I also think this piece could use a bit of a break from the constant high-octane action after a time - a bridge or breakdown where you strip away the beat and focus on more atmospheric elements, perhaps. That said, I really like the squeaky-sounding rhythmic synth at 4:00 or so, as well as the melodies at 4:50 onward. Production is clean throughout, and I really like the sound design too. Keep it up, guys! ^_^
Thank you for listening and the solid review :) good to see you pop up again!
Hey! Sorry for the slow response. I like the gritty atmosphere at the beginning, but after a while I might suggest dialing back the grainy mid-range white noise (featured prominently at the very beginning) and using reverb or other "smoother" textures to fill the mix. The drums duck under the mix after a while, and it's especially noticeable after 1:09. The risers/sweeps give the piece a decent sense of ebb and flow despite the repetitive harmonic content, and in general I really like the ominous and foreboding mood. That said, I think the sound design is a bit unpolished too, and some of the instruments don't blend very well together. Adding some higher-pitched melodies or atmospheric elements might help balance out the frequency range and take the edge off some of the murkier sound design elements. Overall, not your best work, but you definitely got the thematic content right: it sounds like the beginning stages of a slow-burning robot takeover-themed horror movie. :) Keep at it, Mesage!
thanks for your feedback on this song!
Anyways, I've updated this track right now and fixed some mixing issues, please check it if you want to
I like the mysterious mood at the beginning. The sound design and melodic contour remind me of the soundtrack to Deca Sports (OLD Wii game that came out before you were born lol). The synth that comes in at :52 takes up a bit too much of the mix in my opinion, but the transition to the string part at 1:35 was nice. At times, the piece could use a stronger sense of ebb and flow, maybe with some more filter automations or atmospheric details to maintain interest.
At 2:35, the mix gets a little muddy - it's hard to hear the drums, and there's a lot of reverb in the texture with some overlap in the frequency ranges of the instruments. There's also a bit of dissonance in there, especially when the strings come back in at 3:04. The minimal section at 3:52 served as a nice breakdown, and I like the more energetic section that starts at 4:40ish too. For a piece this long, sometimes the individual riffs could use some more variation, or at least be more melodious from the get-go. That said, you definitely have captured the classic 2000s techno feel here. ^_^
Overall, the piece has a really nice sense of atmosphere, and I also like how the energy level gradually winds down towards the end over the course of the last minute or so. Keep at it, CF24!
The only thing I hate about this comment was the fact that now I’m out of the 4.9s rating XD!
Glad you like it though! And yeah, I guess the mix did get a little muddy in some areas, I gotta work on it! Thanks for your honesty :D
Nice! I like the color scheme and symmetry with the railing posts. It was also a good choice to put the ominous figure/statue on the top of the building in the middle. The whole image looks very well-balanced and clean. Keep it up, CF24! ^_^
That figure… is supposed to be one of those electric hotspots lol
What a nice tribute to your friends! I'm honored to be included. :D
The orange spaceship looks especially cool. I also like the purple fog/cloud effect in front of the black building on the far right.
If I had to critique one thing, it might be that the white platform in the middle isn't totally clean or symmetrical. It almost looks like the left side of the triangle in the center is caving in a bit. That said, I especially like the pumpkin man character near the bottom-left. Would love a breakdown/labeling of which character is which.
Happy New Year, CF24! ^_^
Well, let’s start from you
You are the person looking at Snikio district from sceptdpinoy, that large orange ship. Under you inside the ship is Johassa, the blonde person, and The madam, the one who has a hat that looks like a red head, the madam is made by Noskynkgyesk .
Lucy is made by Aapiarts, and is the one flying with the propellor, it was inspired and sort of an aftermath by another art he did actually.
The catgirl hanging onto me Spektral trying to get to me is Cassy, an OC by Rosarjc, who is apparently in love with me, that started off as an inside joke before it became canon in Cyberlesia lol.
Above the orange ship is Kotico, that skydiving cat, and Emsdelaroz, the one I sadly forgot to add, but added later lol.
The blue ghost holding the pumpkin man is Trevor8, or Wilidacious as some might know him, the pumpkin man is Yosos.
Last of all about the platform… that’s not just a platform… that’s Ki1, a friend of mine! The white cat on the right side of ki1 is wifecat, by whimsical-wife, and on the right side is pip, OC by Nebulate. Ki1 is also abducting Songia, an OC made by Songiaxshudder.
All the people other than Trevor8 are from the Discord server I introduced ya too!
Mjs1 is also here, made by @Vulturrent… if you look on the ship you’ll find him lol
I like it! Cabin looks good. Maybe it could feel a bit more festive with some trees or large ornaments across the roof or something. There are just a few too many browns and grays to make it feel very Christmas-y. I also think the snow could be a bit "denser," otherwise it's a little too subtle. Lastly, there's one floating black pixel above the character's hat, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I like the way you varied the coloration on the smoke coming out of the chimney. The cloud break is also nice - the way it's placed between the character and the cabin gives the image a nice "rhythm," if that makes sense, and it's aesthetically pleasing that the edges of the cloud break line up with the roof line and character's figure. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, CF24! ^_^
I know, and I hate that black dot 😭😭😭
Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^
Age 27, Male
Policy Research
Bates College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Joined on 8/16/12