Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

Policy Research

Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

Exp Points:
5,082 / 5,380
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.37 votes
Audio Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 9m 2d

NGUAC 2024 Rules and Schedule

Posted by TaintedLogic - July 1st, 2024

This is a list of rules and scheduling details for the NGUAC 2024, a music contest here on Newgrounds. If anything is unclear, please comment below.

How do I enter?

To submit a track for tryouts, simply go to this forum thread, click “respond to this topic” on the top-right, and post a link to your track. BUT FIRST:

  1. Make sure it's clear whether you have a teammate/collaborator for the contest. If you are entering as a solo artist, you cannot submit a collaboration to the competition. Having someone else sing or play an instrument for you is fine, but you must still compose the music and lyrics yourself AND mix/master the piece. Your non-teammate singer/instrumentalist is not allowed to improvise for your track. If you are entering as a team of two, you cannot collaborate with anyone beside your teammate. Both team members must contribute to all of the pieces submitted as part of the contest. You can’t just submit a collab as your tryout piece when your team member isn’t around for the rest of the contest. Teams of more than 2 are not allowed. 
  2. Obey the NG Audio guidelines. Copyrighted samples are never acceptable and can get independent websites like Newgrounds in a lot of legal trouble. AI-generated content is not your original work, so treat it like a sample and don't upload full-length tracks of it to Newgrounds.
  3. Don’t overuse presets or stock loops. Songs that use full-length acapella vocals or pre-made drum loops - even if they’re not copyrighted - will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Covers, arrangements, remixes, remakes, and mash-ups are acceptable for the tryout round only, not the knock-out or final rounds. 
  4. Post a song from NEWGROUNDS. No submissions from Soundcloud, Bandcamp, etc. will be accepted! 
  5. Submit a piece of MUSIC (of any genre). No comedy pieces, sound effect reels, or voice acting.
  6. Only submit ONE song.

Other cool (but optional) things to do:

  1. You can change your submission any time BEFORE the deadline. Just clearly state in the thread that you’re changing it. AFTER the submission deadline, please don’t replace or delete the audio file in Newgrounds' Project System until the following round starts.
  2. You can submit a song to the NGUAC that you had previously submitted to another contest on Newgrounds, like the NGADM. Just make sure to follow the rules for both contests.  

What happens after tryouts?

The contest has 3 distinct rounds (tryouts, a knock-out round, and finals), each consisting of a submission phase of roughly 2 weeks, when the contestants make and upload their tracks, and a judging phase of 4-9 days, when the judges score those tracks. Some contestants are eliminated after each round, and once you're eliminated you can't get back in (unlike the NGADM, there are no substitutions for people who drop out).

The last two rounds are tougher than tryouts, for a couple of reasons. First, PARTICIPANTS MUST WAIT to start working on their tracks until the corresponding forum thread is posted. You also can’t create samples for the purpose of using them in a Knock-out or Final round piece before that round begins. Also, in the last two rounds, covers, arrangements, VIPs, mash-ups, remakes, and remixes ARE NOT ALLOWED.

All submission phases close at 23:59 (11:59 p.m.) Eastern Daylight Time on the final date of each phase (see the schedule below). Submission phases open as soon as the forum thread for that round is posted.

Full contest schedule:


How will my song be scored/judged? 

The judges score participants out of 10 by considering a variety of parameters. These parameters and how much they each influence your score may vary by judge. Scores are averaged among the judges to determine who advances to future rounds. Generally, the top 50% of competitors from each group are accepted into the Knock-out Round from Tryouts, and about 20% are accepted into the Final Round from the Knock-out Round. Most rounds, a given judge won’t score all of the competitors; we’ll divide it up by group. 

Late submissions to any round will be accepted until 24 hours after the deadline with a “tax” on your score, according to the following paradigm:


Hours late = percentage off final score

<1 = 5% 

1-3 = 10% 

3-6 = 15%

6-24 = 20%

>24 = 100%

If you’re, say, EXACTLY 3 hours late, your submission will fall in the “3-6 hours” category. 


How do the contest groups work?

After the tryout submission phase, participants are grouped evenly based on their fan totals. These groupings help ensure that the best of the “Underdogs” advance as far as possible without directly competing with more experienced and knowledgeable musicians. It’s kinda the premise of the entire competition. 

To be clear, the groupings are NOT an indicator of how good you are at making music - often Underdogs have fewer fans because they’re relatively new to the site, and All Stars have more fans for non-music reasons. But overall, fans are probably the best, reasonably simple way of determining who might have a similar experience level, both with music-making and Newgrounds.   

Also, if your team members would belong to different groups as solo artists, the team will be assigned to the group with the highest fan total among its members (i.e., if one member has 20 fans and one has 60, and the All Stars each have 50+ fans, the team will compete in the All Stars group).

What happens if I win the contest?

Prizes will include forum signatures for the top 3 finishers boasting of their success in the competition, and your Final Round track will get posted on the front page of the Audio Portal the week after the competition. This year, I’ll also personally give a year-long supporter status to the top 3 finishers.


  • Submit a piece to the Knock-out or Final Round that you worked on before the round started
  • Submit a collaboration as your tryout piece when you’re not on a team
  • Update your track in the project system during the judging phase
  • Submit your track after the deadline
  • Use copyrighted or stolen content

Thank you in advance for following the rules. Good luck and (most importantly) have fun! :D



Epic rules! I will try my best!

Welp Here goes nothin!

hello. I'm not sure I'll be able to participate in every round this year but I still want to give this another shot, I only got to the knockout round in 2022 and I think I can do better nowadays. I have a couple questions though:

1. is there no dedicated discussion thread this year?

2. are sampled breakbeats alright here? I know there must be some leniency in regards to that, otherwise I wouldn't be hearing the jungle jungle sample pack on every other jungle/dnb song that gets frontpaged, but I just want to make sure since most of my songs are based around those kinds of drum samples.

3. I deleted my account a couple times in the past year or so, and thus I have lost whatever follow count I used to have, so now I wonder: would this affect anything if i were to join the contest?

Thanks for your questions!

1. Yes, there is a discussion thread. It's the same as the submission thread: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1536075/1. Unlike the NGADM and AIM, we don't have separate submission and discussion threads at the NGUAC. :)

2. Generally, the less "original" your piece is, the more likely you are to have some points docked at the discretion of the judges. But I'm not going to disqualify you for using those kinds of sample packs. The rules say "songs that use full-length acapella vocals or pre-made drum loops - even if they’re not copyrighted - will be accepted on a case-by-case basis." This is to discourage people from uploading tracks where they put in very little original work, but it's certainly possible to create unique-sounding tracks with full-length drum samples that have been modified and mastered to suit the rest of the piece. If you want, you can send me the track you plan on submitting via PM, and I'll vet it in advance.

3. This almost certainly means you're going to be in the Underdogs group, which typically has about 10 or fewer fans. But otherwise, it shouldn't "affect anything." I'm not going to track down your old account on the Wayback Machine and use your old fan total to determine your group, lol.

Hope that helps! Lmk if you have any other questions.


what qualifies as an underdog?

and can i change my solo tryout to a collaboration tryout?

The fan threshold for each group varies every year depending on who enters the competition since we try to make the number of users in each group as even as possible. Last year, the Underdogs had 11 fans or fewer.

And yes, you can change your tryout piece up until the deadline. Just make sure your collab partner is prepared to contribute to all of the pieces you submit as part of the contest in subsequent rounds.

Good luck!

@TaintedLogic so 18 fans is an underdog?

Probably not, no. Last year's categories were:

Underdogs: 0-11 fans
Professional Amateurs: 12-38 fans
Above Average Joes: 39-99 fans
All Stars: 100 fans or more

The fan thresholds will probably be similar this year, but not exactly the same.

@TaintedLogic OHHHH i thought you had to be an underdog to join!! thanks

Not at all, no! All are welcome to join. You'll just be competing in groups with people who have roughly the same fan total for the first two rounds. Sorry for the confusion.

@TaintedLogic thanks lol

I don't like the judgemental tone that's taken when it comes to sampling in these rules. Your disdain for musicians who sample is palpable.

In reality, I think sampling is a production tool just like any other: it can be over-used, used well, and/or used poorly depending on the context. The most important "anti-sampling" rule in the contest is focused on rooting out potential copyright issues. The "Don’t overuse presets or stock loops" one is a bit more subjective, but some judges may dock you for lack of originality if you rely too much on them. If you really think I personally have a vendetta against sampling, take comfort in the fact that I likely won't be scoring your group during the first round. Anyway, I genuinely wish you the best of luck in the contest.

I know you said our submissions need to be on Newgrounds, but is the audio supposed to only be on Newgrounds? Can it be on SoundCloud or YouTube even if we provided a link to the Newgrounds audio for our submission?

Yes, you're allowed to upload the song to other websites. The main reason the rule exists is to make sure the song complies with the Newgrounds Audio Guidelines (https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/terms-of-use/audio-guidelines) - if it doesn't, it will probably get removed from Newgrounds.

@TaintedLogic My main problem is with this line "Copyrighted samples not only show a lack of originality", I find it unnecessarily judgemental for a rule set

Fair enough. I deleted that part.

I want to enter NGUAC teaming with someone else, but we don't have a single song that is a collab of us 2 yet (and don't have time to make one). Is it possible to submit a non-collab piece to tryouts and still enter as a team?

Unfortunately, no, that would be against the rules. If it's any consolation, you still have 2+ days left if you still want to try a collab. Best of luck!

good luck to the participants :3

Hi! I wanna join, but I'll be completely offline from 8/4 to around 8/16. How would that work? I wanna try running fair and square

Unfortunately, it's hard to create a work-around for a constraint like this. You could try making a piece in 2-3 days between 8/16 and 8/18. Generally, we don't like giving long grace periods to people for non-emergency situations because it would slow the competition down and is potentially a lot of extra admin work. If it's any consolation, I'll certainly keep you on the PM invite list for next year. Thanks for understanding.

@TaintedLogic yeah I understand. I'll pass on this year, but keep me on the invite list for next year! Looking forward to joining you then!

I'm not sure where else to ask this, but does creating a melody prior to the round period and then later on using that melody in your KO/Finalist track count as "working on a song before the round started"? I have a bunch of melodies I could take or rewrite and stuff if I get to the KO round, but I am afraid that it might be against the rules.

Thanks for asking! Yes, that would be against the rules. In general, if you have a mixing template or something, that's fine, but as soon as you're creating elements of a track that are particular to a given song, that's over the line. Thanks in advance for waiting.

@TaintedLogic No problem, and thanks for the lightspeed response!

can i use a downloaded vocal sample from looperman/samplefocus/splice? its royalty free and im going to chop it

If it's royalty free, then yes, you can use it. Thanks for asking and good luck in the next round!

@TaintedLogic thanks!

hello @TaintedLogic , I have a few questions ...
1) I passed the 1st round and I won, the second one seems to have started and I don't quite understand where to send my music.
2) I was working on one composition during the selection trial (more precisely, in time for the trial)... can it be used? or do I need to send music clearly made specifically at this stage?
I apologize for the concern if it was caused.

1) You should submit your track to this forum thread: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1537025/1
2) Unfortunately, you can't use any piece you started before August 4th. You're expected to make a piece from start to finish entirely during the 15-day Knockout Round.

Hope that helps! Lmk if you have any more questions. :)

@TaintedLogic thx =D

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