Greetings fellow Newgrounders!
First of all, I'd like to apologize for my continued lack of activity these past few months. I know I owe a ton of people a ton of reviews (@DylnMatrix, @LucidShadowDreamer, @LunacyEcho, @Johnfn, and others). Senior spring has been almost non-existent for me. I have a number of big exams coming up which will hopefully help me out a lot once I get to college. Still, in a couple of weeks I should be more free than I've been in a long, long time, and in another month I won't even have class! All that news seems trivial with this next piece of information, though:
I'M GOING TO COLLEGE IN AUGUST!!! :D Namely, I'll be attending a small liberal arts school with about 1,800 students (all undergraduate) in Lewiston, Maine, a modest former mill city not much larger than my hometown of Wellesley, Mass. It's called Bates College. I was drawn to Bates by its focus on individualized learning and long history of egalitarianism (it was found as an abolitionist institution in 1855). I'm extremely excited about going!
I also recently heard that @Oswald has left the site. I knew Oswald as a fun, good-natured guy who was always so receptive to my criticism of his music, which improved a lot from when I first heard it. Unfortunately, he decided to pursue some other interests of his besides music-making, but I'll always consider him a friend of mine. I also noticed that he barely got any of the recognition he deserved on his news page for his 2.5 years of contributing to NG, so if you knew Oswald (or even if you didn't), I'd encourage you to leave him some words of parting:
Thank you so much for your continued support, Newgrounds, and, as promised, I'll be back with some new music soon! ;D
~Andrew (or, if you insist, TaintedLogic (or, if you REALLY insist, TheDoor6))
Well, well, TheDoor6. Lately, it seems like I've only been able to enjoy your haikus XD
I look forward to the time when you get more time to be around! Which is soon :)
And it's great that you're going to college too! Good luck with your new endeavors ;)
Oh, and it's a bit late, but Happy Pico Day-ish!
Thanks LSD! I had no idea you read my haikus. XD Ah, I almost forgot about Pico Day. I'm going to have to do something for that some year...Also, did you submit anything for Ludum Dare? :)