I was recently affected by a bit of a freak accident.
Yesterday, I was hanging out with a couple of friends at one of their houses, and I had driven my car there and parked it on the street. A moving truck came along and struck some low-hanging telephone wires, dragging down 2 telephone poles, one of which landed on my car. No one was in the car at the time, and I'm not hurt, but my car is in desperate need of repair.
I'm not actually that angry or anything, though. The moving truck drivers were really apologetic, and one of them actually cried. It was my grandparents' old car, and I'm not allowed to take it to college with me when I leave in a couple of weeks anyway. I didn't think I'd ever see so many police cars, fire engines, and city maintenance guys at a time in my quiet, suburban hometown, but looking back it's just another bizarre story to tell my grandkids in 60 years or so. Again, no one got hurt.
Kind of made me realize how much I take for granted being able to drive myself around town.
Hmm...this is kind of awkward. Don't have much else to add, guys. You ever been involved in any weird accidents?
Oh gosh, I'm just glad you got out okay, and the truck driver was okay too.
Just three Sundays ago I was a hair's breadth away from being involved in a nasty accident; I was riding my bike to Mass and I went through the green light; a car and a motorbike ran the red light. If I had moved any further.......
Thanks for your concern! I wasn't actually in the car at the time of the accident; I was in the house. Still, it was pretty spooky how the pole landed on my car, of all places.
I would be terrified of biking around in the city. I was just reading an article the other day about all of the fatal bike accidents that have plagued Boston the last few years... Some motorists just have an extreme lack of regard for other people who share the road. :'(