I like the catchy beats at the beginning. The synth at :08 is a bit cheesy, and the arrangement feels very choppy and stream-of-conscious here. I’d suggest keeping at least one harmonic instrument constant when you’re transitioning between different sections. At around :50, the harmonies also become pretty dissonant. Individually, the frantic synth riffs and rhythmic content are pretty cool, but they don’t feel connected to each other in a meaningful way. I’d suggest using drum fills (crashes, snare rolls, etc.) or sweeps/white noise to foreshadow all the changes to the texture here before they happen. If the listener is going to buy into the narrative structure of the piece, it needs to flow more smoothly than this. I’d try consolidating some of your ideas, taking one of these riffs and running with it for a while instead of bouncing back and forth between several different ones. It’ll also help if the rhythmic riffs were united by a common chord progression, atmospheric element, or other harmonic element. Maybe that was your goal with the drums, but honestly they kinda fade into the background in this context. Overall, I like the energy, rhythmic elements, and frantic mood of this one, but the composition feels pretty disjointed and the harmonies could use some more fleshing out. Keep at it, MameloIl! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score