I like the jazzy chords at :22 and the overall pensive mood. There’s a bit of dissonance between the chords and the drone at the beginning, though, and the pace of progression is very slow here. Production-wise, the mix is also very quiet, and the sound design could use more variety and flavor. If you’re going to use one instrument for 3+ minutes, I’d suggest at least doing more with varying the volume levels and using automation and other mixing effects to make the texture more interesting. The piece settles into a pretty nice groove by around the 2-minute mark, but it still could use a bit more variety and a stronger sense of ebb and flow over time. The drums at 3:25 have a bit of the opposite problem as the first half of the piece in that they have way too much reverb and completely hijack the mix. The ambient pads during this section are pretty cool, but they also get a little drowned out by the drums and piano. I’d also suggest using equalizers to get rid of the bass tones in the non-rhythm-section instruments, which should reduce the amount of distortion that comes from using a lot of reverb in the first place. The strings at 4:50 sound really dissonant with the other elements of the texture, but perhaps a bigger problem is how distorted they are in the mix. I appreciated the somewhat blissful resolution of the piece at 6:17, but I think you could’ve at least foreshadowed that sudden change in the texture in some way, maybe with a variation to the drum pattern or a slow reverse crash. Overall, the composition is a bit experimental for my tastes here, and I think the mixing and mastering could use some cleaning up. That said, the sound design and atmosphere of the piece were pretty cool, and the piano riffs were catchy once the texture filled out at around 2 minutes in. Keep at it, Windman03! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score