I like the ghostly lead at the beginning and the airy riff at :14. The pulsing synth bass is a nice way of keeping a sense of energy and drive in the texture too. I was a little thrown off when it seems to duck under the mix at :43, but it seems like that's intentional. I'm loving the majestic harmonies at around 1:25, and also the catchy lead riff at 2:20. The flow of the piece is really smooth, and I like how it comes full-circle by the 4-minute mark. Overall, it's a fun and catchy piece with a neat atmosphere and solid mixing.
I'm extremely sorry to hear about your assault, and I wasn't aware that this was the reason for the late submission. I'll discuss with the judges about making an exception for you. Clearly the late submission wasn't your fault. That said, I'd also encourage you to prioritize taking care of yourself over participating in the NGUAC - mental health comes first. If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to send me a PM.