Aha! Good to hear from you, Lockyn. ^_^ I like the spacey synth patterns quirky bass at the beginning. Really fun melodic riffs by around :40, and you really start taking it in a different direction with the piano melody at the 1-minute mark. I think some of the transitions could've been a bit more gradual/well-shaped, but tbh that's my main complaint here. The production quality is really strong as always. Crisp, clear beats and loud, punchy mix throughout. The drop at around 2:05 was a bit more ominous-sounding than I thought it would be, but I like how you quickly defaulted back to your smooth, beautiful melodies by around 2:40. :) I also thought you could've done a tad more with the drums throughout this piece. It's a pretty straight-forward kick-clap-kick-clap for most of the piece. The passion of the melodies at 3:47 was really nice. The second drop might've needed a bit more variation to draw some contrast from the first one, but at the same time I respect the amount of cohesion that you gave this piece (despite its quite substantial length). Classic Lockyn piano outro, too. Strong work again! Looking forward to listening to your whole album when I have time. Keep it up, man! ^^