---Official AIM review---
I like the soothing riff at the beginning, and the piano riff at :24 complements it very well, especially rhythmically. You’ve clearly shown off your good sense of harmony here. You really start to take the piece in a new direction at 1:12. My main issue with the piece is that most of the overarching progression relies on the addition and subtraction of instruments over time. I think you could stand to add more shape to the piece with volume changes, filtering, and other forms of automation that give the piece a little more humanization and flavor across phrases. You do this well at 1:48 with the string swells, but you don’t use the same technique to lead into new sections of the piece. The result is that there is a patchwork of phrases, often repeated a few times, that feel pretty isolated in the context of the whole piece (1:48 - 2:36, for example). I was also really confused by the transition at 1:36. I thought it was a bit too drawn-out so that the piece lost its momentum going into 1:48. The part at 1:48 was really cool. Somewhat weak and abrupt transitions at 2:36 and 2:59, though. You do a great job of creating these pensive textures, but not so much in connecting them. The atmosphere and mood are really great, though, and the production is also quite strong despite a heavy use of reverb. Overall rather impressive work. I like it the more I listen to it - those melodic piano riffs have begun to sink in. Keep up the good work, DjCrystalux!