---Official AIM review---
I like the beat at the beginning, although the instruments sounded a tad unpolished. The progression is really slow, and I think you needed a smoother transition into :53. The harmonic elements at :53 sound quite dissonant, with the bass line and the melodic riff noticeably clashing. The more atmospheric elements at 1:46 were a good idea, but I think that section suffers from the same problem: too much dissonance. I’d suggest laying out the chords you’re trying to use ahead of time. Even if you don’t know much about music theory, it can be a lot easier to hear these kinds of jarring dissonances when they’re on a generic piano sample than when they’re spread across several different instruments in different octaves. I’m not saying you should actually use a generic piano in your piece, but putting all of the notes in one place in order to construct a harmonic framework is usually a good starting point for identifying what needs fixing. Besides that, I thought the kick was a little weak and the overall texture quite repetitive. I appreciated the increase in intensity at 2:40, but even then the snare sounds a bit indistinct. My favorite element of the piece is definitely the atmosphere - you nailed the creepy mood and sound design. That said, I think you went too far with the clashing notes, my main concern for the piece. Overall, you made some bold choices with the texture here, but only the atmospheric elements paid off imo. Keep at it, Fibr!