I like the tranquility at the beginning. The build-up was very drawn out (which I guess is kinda the point, though). The sound design also wasn't my favorite - the synths up until around the 2-minute mark all seem like something out of 3xOsc. The arpeggios at 2:00 added a bit more depth to the texture, and I applaud the chord changes at 1:45. The pacing is still a little slow for my tastes, yet the atmosphere is pretty hypnotizing. The climax of the piece still wasn't particularly melodic or revelatory, and I think the tone of some of the synths is a little too harsh at around 4:37. That said, the instruments all sit well in the mix, and given the amount of time you spent on this (one day, I assume) a lot of progress was made. I also thought the ending was pretty great: mysterious and yet surprisingly conclusive. Not your typical fade-out at all. Overall, it was a relaxing listen with strong production quality and a fitting title. Keep it up, Midi. Happy 2018! ^_^