I like the reverberated guitar and the vocals. Reminds me of a musical in a way. The lyrics themselves are also quite good. Unfortunately, the minimalism was wearing on me after a bit, and I found the atmospheric breaks between the verses (e.x., 1:24) to be a bit out-of-place. The dreamy vibe at 2:04 was a nice shift in pacing, though, and the guitar that mimics the contour of the vocals at 2:30 was a nice touch. The sound design and atmosphere are awesome with this one. The details of the composition are great, too. The arrangement just feels a bit too dragged-out for this one - the pacing is really wonky somehow, and I think the effect of that is exacerbated by the constant minimalism. I think I needed more of an emotional height at some point. The continuity of the piece really wore on me after a while - I think it needed a daring solo or climax to hit it home. The piece doesn’t feel conclusive or climactic at any point, really - like part 1 of a musical number that’s expanded upon in the 2nd act. Overall, this is still really admirable work with the instrumentation and production quality, but I think filling out the texture and maybe consolidating your ideas on this one would serve you well. Keep at it, Kor-Rune. ;)
I commend your attempt to integrate metal with orchestral elements. I wasn’t a huge fan of the orchestral samples you used, though. They sounded pretty inauthentic, and also didn’t seem to allow for the note lengths you really should’ve used here. For example, the string sample at :27 doesn’t carry all the way through until the next note, which may have been intentional, but I don’t think it helped the flow and victorious mood of the piece. I also think the transition into the electronic elements at :54 could’ve been a lot smoother, and a lot of the instruments there weren’t great. The bass bomb of a kick and the thin, frantic synths really didn’t work well in the texture IMO. Equally as sudden is your transition into the metal part at 1:22. The cheesy sweep at 1:33 was a bit wonky given the rock-influenced texture, and overall this piece has very little coherence or melodic content. When you try to integrate the electronic and metal elements at 2:04, it sounds very dissonant and distorts the mix a bit. The pause at 2:35 was awkward, and then there’s very little thematic connection to the orchestral part at 2:38. I think you decided to take on a little too much at once with this piece. I’d suggest consolidating your ideas a bit more and focusing on providing some melodic content that grounds the listener in a more predictable refrain-based structure. Keep at it, SourJovis! ;)
Thanks for the review. It's not a song I'm proud of. Because I was allowed back into the NGADM very late in, I had only a few days to complete this song, most of which I was still on holiday. It was a hectic process. I had some great ideas worked out in my head and at the beginning things went smooth and I was pretty confident about the outcome. During the production I ran into some technical problems. My computer wouldn't open the most recent file that was 7 minutes long, I've tried for over 5 hours to re-open it and mix it properly. Right before the deadline I had to go back to an older file, and try to brush that up as much as I could to make it sound presentable.
The intro is the only part that survives from the original most recent version. It's a render I've made before I had a chance to mix it properly. If I could re-open it, I would've panned some of the instruments less drastically, and balance it better. The melody is okay I think but the harmony is too dull. Too many long chords without any rhythm. You're right the samples I've used aren't the best. With my cheap string sample pack I can't compete with the packs other people use that are 20 times more expensive. I know I should invest in better orchestral packs, but that's not something I can do in the short run. Maybe best to avoid trying orchestral for now. I was thinking about doing the orchestral parts of this song with vintage soundblaster midi, or a snes sound, so it doesn't sound like I was trying to make it sound real. But I don't have anything to create that kind of sound with, and that's also a tricky thing to do. Would be cool though.
The synth part is actually something I'm very fond of. The transition could've been better perhaps. Maybe some of the orchestral parts should cary over into this part. I think I would've if I could open that file. Other than that it sounds exactly like what I've had in mind. IMO the best part of the song. Too bad you don't like it. What exactly do you mean by “a lot of the instruments there weren’t great”? It's all one instrument, an 8-bit nes soundchip. Do you mean you don't like the sound of that chip, or you don't like the settings? But no matter what, I won't change them anyway.
The transition into the metal part I don't think is really that sudden though. Besides, it's about an infiltration of an idylic kingdom on a sky island, by retro video game monsters, so it has to be sudden and contrasting, to depict that. “When you try to integrate the electronic and metal elements at 2:04, it sounds very dissonant and distorts the mix a bit.” True, and that's the point. The notes are all in the right key, and in terms of Eqing and panning it all fits like a glove. I assume that was a possitive comment. “The cheesy sweep at 1:33 was a bit wonky given the rock-influenced texture “ It's not just a rock song. There are just as many orchestral and electronic influences. The sweep is aslo a nes chip. I may replace it for a more interesting sweep though, because technically the polyphony of the nes chip isn't high enough to produce another sweep on top of the sounds I've already had it make. It's mixed seperately from the other nes sounds anyway. Better use a diffent synth for the sweep, thanks for the suggestion.
“The pause at 2:35 was awkward”
Yeah, I will time it differently and start the next part earlier. This is the part where I revisit the main theme introduced at the beginning, but this time as a sad part to show the carnage the invasion is causing.
“and then there’s very little thematic connection to the orchestral part at 2:38.”
Wait what? Now I a 100% dissagree with you there. First of all, your comments suggest you there's a connection between the 2, so you know there is, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it. So how can you say there is no connection when you apperently noticed there IS ONE? It's the exact same melody and harmony as the intro, except that it's now in minor and a different key. Originally I made this part with the same orchestral set-up as the intro, but with only strings and woodwinds, however since I couldn't open that file anymore I had to recreate it with an instrument that was faster to work with. Still it's the exact same part as the intro, so how much the same as EXACTLY THE SAME do you want it to be?
After the sad part the rock part continues, starting with a synth solo (not an nes chip this time, but a more advanced synth) played over it. After this the rock part continues but with the chords and melody of the main theme. This time a hopefull version that shows the people of the Court of Hearts are retaliating. This is played with the rock instruments, as well as the synth form the solo as a lead instrument, and many of the orchestral instruments to back it up. Now I'll admit this part still needed a lot of mixing, but I couldn't do that because I couldn't open it anymore. I didn't even have enough time to recreate it without the orchestral instruments (frankly I wasn't motivated anymore either)
“overall this piece has very little coherence or melodic content” Now that's harsh... I understand you don't think this song is incoherent, because the transitions could've been better and I didn't have time to remake the second halve with the synth solo and the revisit of the main melody, but I think the melody of this song is good and very memorable. That's one thing I'm missing from the songs on NewGrounds. Most songs have no recognisable melody. Even the ones that are really popular, only set the right mood, string together some pleasant sounding presets and expensive sample packs and use some high end mixing effects and techniques. Yet, they don't have any distinguisable chord progression or melody. I for one, even with cheap sample packs and inferior production value, always strive for melodic content. Including with this song.
“I’d suggest consolidating your ideas a bit more and focusing on providing some melodic content that grounds the listener in a more predictable refrain-based structure.”
I will definetely not do that. I will finish this song someday when I've got time, but on my own terms, in my own vision. I will smoothen out the transitions, but I will keep the contrast between the friendly people of the Court of Hearts and the hiveminded invaders. I will keep the shifting mood, from the peacefull kingdom, to the chaos of the attack, to the grief of the carnage, and the hope the retaliation brings. I will also keep the melody which I feel is very recognisable. The sweeps I will replace the sweeps with more complex ones from a non 8-bit chip. The bad orchestral samples I will replace with snes sounds if I can get a hold of them. The harmony of the orchestral part I will improve to give it a more interesting rhythm.
Thank you for all of the suggestions. It helps me think about the song. I will incorporate all of the parts I agree with.
I like the cute, blissful synth riffs at the beginning. The clap sample at :14 is both a little loud and pretty generic. I like the quirky mood and and other instruments, though. I think the texture is missing a lot of fill by the 1-minute mark. I think you needed some more bass frequencies in there to fill out the texture. The melodic content is enjoyable, but the minimalism was really bothering me by 1:30 or so. The strings at around 2:45 were a nice touch, and overall the production quality is solid here. Structurally, this piece is enjoyable too, although the melodies could use some more variation. Overall, it’s a pretty strong piece that needs a little more work on some of the compositional elements. Keep at it, Osman. ;)
I like the atmosphere at the beginning. The vocals are beautiful, but the rhythm of that synth bass at 1:08 seemed a bit wonky and uneven. A couple of the other synthetic instruments in the piece weren’t my favorite, like the generic trance pads in the background at 1:45. The piece has a good sense of atmosphere throughout, but the sound design choices are really bothering me by about the 2-minute mark. There’s also the synth at 3:55 that doesn’t fit the texture very well IMO. I did think the piece was well-structured and smooth-flowing, perhaps with the exception of the transition at 4:38. Pretty solid mixing and mastering, too. Keep at it, Spadezer! ;)
Based on the feedback I'm getting, I think I've made a piece that amplifies people's tastes, but at the same time managed to be mostly pleasing to everyone.
I can't believe I missed the wonky bass rhythm at 1:08. It's so obvious now. Ugh.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the mastering, I made sure to spend some decent time on it. While again other people say there's "something left to be desired," so I imagine that there's still something that could make it pop more.
Yeah, sound design. Like I've said in the description I tried to symbolize more 'evil' elements using digital ques here and there (I also decided against glitching the drum thing near the beginning because I couldn't spend the time to get that right).
It's a shame you didn't enjoy the synth at 3:55. It's like my favorite section.
Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to see a score from someone that's above an 8. See you in round 2.
I like the atmosphere at the beginning. You really needed a stronger transition at :10, though. All of a sudden the piece is going in a very different direction at that point. I think you set the piece up to be very flowing, but then at around :35 it sounds very stumbly - I think you need to simplify the rhythmic elements there. I really liked the sound design and mood, though. The pause at 1:23 was a bit awkward, but the cello solo after that was beautiful. The glissando on the choir at 1:55 was a bit overdone. The piece has a bizarre flow to it, yet has very little coherence. I noticed no problems with the mixing and mastering, but I think you went way too experimental with the composition here. The piece doesn’t feel like a cohesive whole, and needs to be grounded in some more recognizable structural elements. The ending also lacks conclusion, and at times the balance in the volume levels seems a little off between different sections. Still, there’s a lot of potential here. I’d encourage you to keep working on it because the atmosphere is just engrossing. Keep at it, JeremyKingVA! ;)
I like the melodies at the beginning, although I would’ve liked to hear more of a proper intro instead of just throwing the listener right into the action. The crash at :14 was also a bit too harsh for my tastes, and didn’t need so much treble IMO. I like the sense of climax into :44 and the blissful mood there. I think the piece needed a bit more bass, too. The minimalistic section at 1:30 also didn’t sit very well with me. The entire thing was very transitional in a short piece already filled with transitional content, and by 1:52 or so that riser also sounds very harsh in the mix. I also couldn’t help but notice that the chord progression is pretty cliche. I did enjoy the floaty synth at 2:15 and the subsequent climax back into the refrain at 2:43. I also thought the melodramatic crash at 3:27 was a bit of a lazy ending. All the same, the production quality is quite high here, and the melodies and progression are both enjoyable. Keep at it, F-777! ;)
I like the footsteps FX and atmosphere at the beginning. Great ambience and character in this piece. The piece is a little slow to develop, but I like the sense of climax into 1:15. The melodies are a little simplistic, but effective. I also wanted to hear the strings come through the mix a little more clearly at 1:23. My main problem with the piece is that it’s not really structurally complete, though. It seemed like you were in the midst of beginning a really emotional breakdown or bridge when the piece just ended. I think you really missed out on an opportunity to make this piece the full-length epic that the excellent atmosphere and sound design deserve. Solid work regardless. Keep it up, guys! ;)
Really groovy and smooth vibe at the beginning. I really like the vocals and the subtle variation on the note lengths of that synth at :15. Really refreshing mood here. The melodic content is great, although I think the piece needed a little more bass at times. You start showing off the bass at 1:04, but before that it’s noticeably lacking. I like the improvisational-sounding vocals at 1:04, and how you offered some structural contrast there with the decreased energy. The glitchy breaks at 1:48 were also enjoyable. I can’t help feeling the texture is a little empty for much of the piece, though. The rhythmic elements are strong, but there aren’t many instruments that carry the flow and atmosphere across measures (legato synths or pads, etc.). I also thought the transition at 2:48 could’ve used a bit more smoothing over. Cool ending, though. Overall, this is really strong work. I love the sound design and melodies, and the production is quite strong. Keep it up, guys! ;)
with all respect (obviously i am insanely appreciative of all the work you do), if you think this piece lacks bass your headphones almost certainly are not replicating those frequencies and you may want to try other ones. i say this mainly because i had the same problem with not having good enough headphones to replicate those frequencies until i switched! (1:04 has equally loud bass frequencies, but they're a bit higher in the frequency range, so they will be hearable on cheaper headphones)
Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^