I like the relaxed vibe at the beginning. It’s a little slow to develop, and I would’ve liked to hear a smoother transition into 1:00. I also think you could stand to make the drums a little stronger in the mix. The organ overpowers them a bit at times. I like the melodic content at 1:30 a lot, but, again, you really need to foreshadow the big increase in energy at 2:00. Drums are actually a great way to do that, and the drum part you have in your verses is pretty minimalist. I liked the somber outro a lot. Very soulful piece with a cool atmosphere. Well-structured overall, too, and I like the extension of the organ part that starts at 2:30. The piece does sound a little square for a piece like this, though, and you could use a little bit of humanizing (if that’s possible in whatever platform/DAW you use). Samples are pretty good, and I enjoyed the melodic content of this piece a lot too. Keep up the good work!