I love the atmosphere at the beginning. Those furtive-sounding echo-y synths are always my jam. ^^ I also enjoyed the sense of climax into 1:09. The drop wasn't super hard-hitting, but it still had a lot of energy and catchiness. Some parts of the piece were a little minimalistic for my tastes, like the section from 1:40 to 2:00 or so, but I enjoyed the build-up into 2:17 nonetheless. I also enjoyed the more melodic elements you introduced at 2:46. The section at 3:45 offered some much-needed structural relief. The stop-start transition at 4:34 didn't quite work for me. I guess I would've liked to see you use more reverb to bridge the gap a little more. Also, I think the piece was a little underwhelming in the end. Even if you intended for 4:35 to be the "grand finale," the lengthy coda blunts the emotional effect that would've had. Overall, though, this is a cool piece with super-clean mixing and mastering. Well-structured, smooth-flowing (mostly), and a good sense of atmosphere and mood. Keep it up, man. ;)