I like the quirky instruments and frantic harmonies. The effects at :17 really drown out the harmonies, though. I was also confused when you brought back those same harmonies after the transition at :24. It detracted from the sense of direction the piece had IMO. You also lack a strong transition into the drop at :29. The bass instrument at :29 is also too muddy for my tastes. I think you should try using equalization to restrict its frequency range a bit, because it's clearly distorting the harmonies that come back in at :41. I also think you should add some drums - that should help give the piece more direction too. You also lack a transition into 1:03, and after that the piece is extremely repetitive, and I think you overdid the reverb on the percussion later in the piece. The track cuts off very suddenly, too. I think my main concerns with this piece are the transitions and the sound design. I would suggest using drum riffs or crashes to prime the listener that a transition is coming. Also, I know muddy and distorted basses are in fashion, but they can sound a lot cleaner and more distinct (without interfering with the frequencies in other instruments) through a process called mixing and mastering. I would suggest looking up "equalization" tutorials on YouTube. One of the major ways of making your song sound clearer is to get rid of the bass frequencies (200 Hertz or below) in all of the instruments except the bass and kick drum. Hope this helped! Keep working at it, man. ;)