Sounds good to me (the eating ice cream with a cute girl part, not the song). But seriously, the song sounds really good too. I like the pizzicato-y approach you've taken to the melody this time, as you usually have more legato melodies, especially later in the piece. The staccato, echo-y harmonies also gave this piece a really frantic, fleeting character, like all my relationships with cute girls have been so far. :), who am I kidding? What relationships. But enough about my depressing love life. This song is very upbeat and catchy. You used the panning effects really well around 2:00, and it has a good sense of climax into 2:45. The mixing and mastering are solid as usual. I love the melodic development here. The descending lines at 3:15 made me want to have a girlfriend so bad. I really am a sad little man. UGH...ANYWAY: the ending was a little rushed, but otherwise not entirely pitiful. ;) Keep up the good work, Johnfn! Maybe I'll review the rest of your new stuff around Thanksgiving. XD