The rhythm at the beginning is a little hard to follow, but I like the sense of climax and energy and how that eventually resolves into the tranquility at :14. The pace is a little slow for the next minute or so, and I think you could've condensed that section a lot, especially since the drop is so ephemeral (1:29 - 1:43). Then, you transition right into a build-up to another drop (?) at 1:59, which is heavier but not nearly as entertaining IMO. The structure is a little bizarre, and the part at 1:29 functions much better as a post-chorus (which is how you use it at 2:26). You seem to vacillate back and forth between drops 1&2 until the bridge/breakdown thing at 2:54. I think you could've condensed this piece into something more appropriately sub-4 minutes by solidifying the roles of those 2 drops (1:29 and 1:59) into the actual drop and a post-chorus. Right now the way you channel the energy in this track seems kind of out of calibration, if that makes any sense. Either way, I like the instrumentation and production quality. Also, I'm a fan of reverb-heavy endings, so that's a plus. Keep up the good work, Trunotfals! ;)