You certainly succeeded in telling a story! :) Your melodies are always so engaging, DylnMatrix, and I appreciate the constant variation. Your transitions were good, too: 2:06, for example. Around 2:50 and at other parts of the song, it felt a little too "busy" for me, though- I think it was mostly due to that open hat. I can't help mentioning that you've used some of those riffs and instruments before, like the drum at 5:24. Btw, don't feel like you need a track to be 7 minutes long in order to tell a story- you only need to make it as long as it takes to be epic, and you've done that for me a number of times now in under 2 minutes! ^^ I like your style, DylnMatrix, and the ending was interesting and creative. Keep it up! I'll be waiting for more. :)