I like the soothing, mellow synth at the beginning. The bass at :10 is a bit too loud relative to the other elements of the texture, although maybe the distortion on it is what’s really bothering me. The drums at :19 are a bit dry, and could use some more mixing effects (especially reverb) to help them contribute more to the atmosphere of the piece. The quirky synths at :38 help fill that void, but at some point in this piece I would’ve liked to hear some more dynamic melodies. The reverb automations at 1:10 or so are pretty sweet, and I like the re-intro at 1:17 too. The spoken word vocals at 1:35 are also a tad loud, and don’t blend in with the instrumentals quite how I want them to. I also would’ve liked to hear some more variety during the refrain at 1:55 compared to the first time those riffs appeared. Still, overall I enjoyed the sound design and atmosphere of this piece a lot. Also, the mix is loud and clean, despite my complaints about certain elements of the texture being too loud at various times. Overall, I enjoyed this piece a lot - it’s spacey, catchy, and smooth-flowing. A good combination of attributes to have for a song about moving on. :) Keep at it, VirtuaLI! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score