Nice! I like the color scheme and symmetry with the railing posts. It was also a good choice to put the ominous figure/statue on the top of the building in the middle. The whole image looks very well-balanced and clean. Keep it up, CF24! ^_^
Nice! I like the color scheme and symmetry with the railing posts. It was also a good choice to put the ominous figure/statue on the top of the building in the middle. The whole image looks very well-balanced and clean. Keep it up, CF24! ^_^
That figure… is supposed to be one of those electric hotspots lol
What a nice tribute to your friends! I'm honored to be included. :D
The orange spaceship looks especially cool. I also like the purple fog/cloud effect in front of the black building on the far right.
If I had to critique one thing, it might be that the white platform in the middle isn't totally clean or symmetrical. It almost looks like the left side of the triangle in the center is caving in a bit. That said, I especially like the pumpkin man character near the bottom-left. Would love a breakdown/labeling of which character is which.
Happy New Year, CF24! ^_^
Well, let’s start from you
You are the person looking at Snikio district from sceptdpinoy, that large orange ship. Under you inside the ship is Johassa, the blonde person, and The madam, the one who has a hat that looks like a red head, the madam is made by Noskynkgyesk .
Lucy is made by Aapiarts, and is the one flying with the propellor, it was inspired and sort of an aftermath by another art he did actually.
The catgirl hanging onto me Spektral trying to get to me is Cassy, an OC by Rosarjc, who is apparently in love with me, that started off as an inside joke before it became canon in Cyberlesia lol.
Above the orange ship is Kotico, that skydiving cat, and Emsdelaroz, the one I sadly forgot to add, but added later lol.
The blue ghost holding the pumpkin man is Trevor8, or Wilidacious as some might know him, the pumpkin man is Yosos.
Last of all about the platform… that’s not just a platform… that’s Ki1, a friend of mine! The white cat on the right side of ki1 is wifecat, by whimsical-wife, and on the right side is pip, OC by Nebulate. Ki1 is also abducting Songia, an OC made by Songiaxshudder.
All the people other than Trevor8 are from the Discord server I introduced ya too!
Mjs1 is also here, made by @Vulturrent… if you look on the ship you’ll find him lol
I like it! Cabin looks good. Maybe it could feel a bit more festive with some trees or large ornaments across the roof or something. There are just a few too many browns and grays to make it feel very Christmas-y. I also think the snow could be a bit "denser," otherwise it's a little too subtle. Lastly, there's one floating black pixel above the character's hat, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I like the way you varied the coloration on the smoke coming out of the chimney. The cloud break is also nice - the way it's placed between the character and the cabin gives the image a nice "rhythm," if that makes sense, and it's aesthetically pleasing that the edges of the cloud break line up with the roof line and character's figure. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, CF24! ^_^
I know, and I hate that black dot 😭😭😭
This is cute! I can definitely see the Waterflame influence here. Some of the clouds seem a bit low to the ground, unless that's supposed to be steam or smoke? Also, is the flag design supposed to be anything in particular? Otherwise, the shading on the dock and skyline are really clean and realistic, and a lot of the subtle details are impressive. For example, the small red flag at the bottom really looks like it's actively flapping in the breeze. Strong work, CF24! ^_^
Thanks man! The flag is suppose to be the flag of Cyberlesia, basically my version of Welkin! Here’s how it looks
I love the abstract root-like structures in the sky and the nod to chemical symbols on the ground. The eye-like structures on the hand give this an eerie veneer, and the coloration is further reminiscent of something toxic and sinister. I also like the textural details on the hand. Really evocative work.
Also, I appreciate your profile's references to Infinite Jest. :)
Nice! I keep forgetting you make art too, CG. This is really well-designed, from her outfit to the typography. How did you make the barcode in the lower-right corner? The curve of her mouth seems a unnatural to me somehow, but maybe that was intentional. Texture in the clouds and waves is a really nice touch. Keep it up! ^^
Oh man, that's a throwback. Really nice job mimicking the original - without Googling it, I can't think of how the character as drawn on the show is substantively different in any way. The backdrop with the XJ9 poster is a nice touch too, although part of me isn't a big fan of how the poster is just a slightly different shade of the same color. Still, it's a cool image with a clean finish. Keep it up!
Cute! The lookout tower on the boat seems a bit out-of-scale, and in general I think the piece could use a bit more detail. I think the most well-articulated part of the piece is the satellite dishes on top of the ship, but otherwise some of the background details are a bit awkward. For example, the lightning bolt on the left seems to be coming from the side as opposed to out of the sky, and in the ocean there's a wave that seems to dip down beneath the boat, apparently oriented opposite the rest of them. Still, it's a charming piece. I like the coloring on the boat too with the different shades of gray. Keep at it, man!
Thanks for the review and your right on the lightning bolt from the right side but I was trying to show the lighting was curving inward
I like the snow on the trees and the details on the branches, but this doesn't look particularly realistic somehow. The snow looks grainier than it should, and the sky looks like the snow is falling down in layers instead of flake by flake. Even if it is a winter scene, this could also use some more contrast in the color scheme: slight hints of blue in the sky, different shades of gray in the clouds, some evergreen trees in the distance, etc. I like the aesthetic of the placing of the two most prominent foreground trees on either end of the picture, though. Overall cute piece!
Really strong work! I like her exaggerated facial features and the subtle uncomfortable-looking face on the knife itself. Shadow work and lighting was well-done, too. Makes you wonder who is truly the killer, though. Maybe the dude at the end of the hall is just holding an umbrella, coming home from an honest day's work. She's the only one we know has a weapon. Nice choice with keeping the color scheme black and white, too. It fits the mood of the piece well. Keep up the good work, HugoVRB!
Thanks for the review TaintedLogic!!
It was fun working on black and white and I always favor expression and pose than realism.
HAHA I like the idea that its just a normal dude coming from work and she is super paranoid.
Much love!
Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^
Age 27, Male
Policy Research
Bates College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Joined on 8/16/12