I like the ominous-sounding organ riff at the beginning. The long pause at :11 threw me off a bit, and then the bass riff at :16 took the piece in a bit of an unexpected direction. The beat there is really catchy, and has a cool instrumental palette, but the mix sounds a bit strained and distorted throughout the rest of the piece, with the organ not quite popping through on top of the beat as much as I would’ve liked and the drums sounding a bit soft too. I’d suggest toning down the reverb on that bass riff and giving more space in the mix to the harmonic instruments.
Compositionally, there are a lot of cool ideas in here, from the creative rhythmic content in the drums to the string riffs at 1:50 or so. That said, there isn’t quite enough structuring in the piece to keep me engaged for the whole 5.5 minutes. The energy level is almost constant, and despite slight changes in the instrumental palette, I’m not getting a strong sense of narrative direction in this piece over time. The result is that the composition comes off as a bit bland, and needs more ebb and flow over time. It also seemed like you didn’t quite know how to end the piece, given the fade-out ending.
Overall, you have a great sense of harmony, rhythm, and sound design, but the production quality and compositional details here fall flat at the end of the day. Limit the distortion on the harmonic instruments in the mix and add some more compelling progression over time, and this piece is easily an 8 out of 10, at least. Keep at it, djadj50! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score