Wow. Much more electronic than I'm used to hearing from you. I like the bouncy synths and arpeggiated patterns at the beginning. Of course, the orchestral elements seep in after a while, but the electronic harmonies seem to underpin the piece to a large extent. I like the percussion at 1:10 and the dense rhythm in the background at 1:45ish. The cutesy synth at 1:55 kinda sounds like Yoshi's voice. :D The rhythm at 2:35 between the melodies and percussion is really interesting - even clashing a bit. The minimal conga pattern at 2:52 seemed a bit dry, but it flows nicely into the atmospheric synth patterns thereafter. The syncopations later on are really neat, too - I especially like the heavy hats that pop in at around 4:30. The tune also takes on a more blissful tone towards the end, and I like how you brought back the orchestral instruments for the coda. I'd imagine that helps this piece flow nicely into the rest of the album, and I'll look forward to verifying that on August 2nd. Cheers, Syamori! ^_^