I like the quirky sound design and angsty vocals. Some of the instruments sound a tad harsh in my headphones, especially the kick and the bass - maybe the panning/stereo enhancing is a tad too strong? It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what’s going on without seeing your mixer, but that’s my hunch. Anyway, once the texture starts filling in more the harshness bothers me less, and I’m captivated by the well-balanced frequencies and rhythmic content. The chorus at :55 is a bit bland, though - some more melodic interest or dynamic instrumental harmonies would’ve been nice there. You use a lot of stop-start transitions (:53, 1:56, 2:26, etc.) which gives the arrangement a bit of a choppy feel. The “I’m going to win this” at 2:30 was a fun variation on the chorus, but overall the lyrics could’ve been a bit more creative in places. “Fake it to make it” is kind of a trite saying, and there’s a lot of repetition in the vocal lines. The synth solo at 3:24 was probably my favorite part of the piece, but even then it had a bit of a square rhythm, and didn’t introduce any particularly new contour or sense of development in the piece. Overall, I really like the sound design, and the execution on the vocals themselves was quite good. Some of the compositional details might’ve needed to marinate a bit more - the melodic patterns and lyrics both seemed a bit stale. That said, besides my minor complaint early on, the production quality is really good, and I also enjoyed the atmosphere and texture of this one a lot. Solid work overall, Shifterhead, and thanks for coming out to the NGUAC this year! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score