I like the percussion at the beginning and the nature sound effects. The chord progression is a little funky, but the arpeggios at :28 help me follow along with the harmonic shifts. The mix is pretty good, if a tad over-compressed. I really like the sound design, atmosphere, and rhythmic content overall. My biggest complaint is probably with the arrangement - it feels a bit aimless and slow to progress throughout, although the melody at 1:50 helps alleviate that problem. Still, the wonky chord progression leaves me with a sense of tension that’s never really resolved, and the sudden ending doesn’t help in that regard. It also seems like the most dynamic element of the texture that’s playing at a given time is usually just a riff designed to outline the chord progression, as opposed to giving the piece a sense of evolution. It might’ve been advisable to switch up the harmonic pattern somewhere - the piece is lacking an “arrival point” that helps sell the narrative arc of the track, if that makes sense. Despite my complaints about the composition, the production quality is very strong, and you also got full credit for instrumentation and almost-full credit for originality. The piece is catchy and has a nice atmosphere. Fleshing out the composition a little more could easily turn this into an 8-range track. Keep at it, Kamalamalamalam! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score