I like the chord progression at the beginning, as well as the reverb and the sense of atmosphere. For the more powerful chords at :10, I think the reverb is a little overboard, though. The rhythmic quirks at :45 didn’t quite work for me, but I did enjoy the sense of climax into :56. At :56, the mix is really strained. The strings are clearly being distorted by the other instruments. I think you need to look into using equalizers on these instruments, as well as compressors as is applicable. I also didn’t think the orchestral instruments you had in the song sounded very authentic. The melodic content here is strong, though. You change up the instrumentation here a lot - I think you should work on consolidating your ideas and keeping the listener grounded more. I did enjoy the structural relief you offered at around the 3-minute mark, although the transition back into more energetic content at 3:43 was very sudden. Overall, the pacing of the piece is pretty fast, but there are a couple of very slow-moving moments that give it a bit of a wonky flow - notably the breakdown section and the coda (last 30 seconds or so). You’ve clearly put a lot of effort into the composition here, which is good to see. I think your main area of focus going forward should be the mixing. Keep at it, Myebye. :)