I like the gritty bass at the beginning and crisp drum kits. The frantic synths at :26 are cool, especially paired with that ride cymbal. You could’ve filled out the texture a little more with some higher-pitched frequencies, but the catchiness and sense of build into 1:15 helps keep me engaged. There was a tad too much reverb in the texture at 1:16 for my tastes, but the rhythmic elements of the post-chorus at 1:41 were pretty cool. The ominous synth at 2:05 serves as a nice bridge in an otherwise hectic piece. The distortion on the pads at 2:30 was a nice touch, and it all leads nicely into the climax at 2:50. Overall, my main complaint here is probably the lack of harmonic depth. The texture feels very bare throughout, despite the intensity of the beats and bass. At the very least, I’d suggest using mixing tools like reverb and compression more generously to try to make a richer texture instead of leaving the core rhythmic elements of your track sounding so...dry. Still, the energy and ominous mood do keep me engaged here, and I enjoyed the sound design and production quality, even if the mix is a little quiet. Keep at it, CobraGRW! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score