I like the eerie atmosphere at the beginning and how the cutesy synths slowly bleed in. The quirky texture at :45 is really nice, and the rhythmic content in this piece as a whole is great. The piece is a little slow to progress, and sometimes the texture can be a bit thin and dry, but the melodies by around 1:05 are enjoyable. I like the bass-y breaks at 1:49, although the main chord progression here is a bit cliche. My favorite part of the piece is probably the production quality - the mix is super clean and well-balanced. The sound design is also a big plus, and you integrate the orchestral-sounding samples, vocals, d’n’b elements, and VGM style really well. The piece starts taking a bit of a different direction at 3:26. The texture there is very minimal, yet the novel riff at 3:47 makes it seem like that part isn’t just functioning as a breakdown. The piece feels a bit dragged-out towards the end, and I think one of my main complaints here is the lack of textural fill for a lot of the piece. The piece comes together well by the end, though, and I definitely like the little ritardando at the end with that cutesy VGM synth. Overall, strong work with the mixing, instrumentation, melodies, and rhythmic content here. Keep at it, PredatorMusic! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score