I like the somewhat thin drum beat at the beginning. The snaps are a bit too loud relative to the rest of the beat, but that becomes less obvious once the other instruments come in. I like the bass instrument at :07, although its line seems a bit meandering. The sound design overall is pretty cool, although the brass samples don’t sound very authentic. The progression is a tad slow-paced at times, although my main problem with the progression is that you didn’t have a lot of creative ways of creating variety in the piece. Techniques like volume changes, automation, filtering, drum fills, etc. are all way more advanced than just adding or subtracting instruments over time. I liked when the texture starts to fill out a little more at 2:18, though. The harmonic aspects of the piece are a little repetitive, but the melodies are cute. You might have wanted to incorporate a little more structural variety here, whether that be via an atmospheric breakdown, climactic solo, or something else. The energy level and mood just feel very flat and consistent in this piece; I would’ve liked to hear a stronger sense of ebb and flow over time in the composition. Still, the sound design is fun, the production quality is good, and I like the atmosphere and rhythmic content of this piece. Keep at it, Shima33! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score