I like the distorted ambient pads and crackly percussion. The piece is slow to develop, though, and the hats at :46 may have been a bit too loud. I like how the energy of the beat ramps up just as the pads mellow out. That’s some complex shaping right there. Overall, though, this piece is extremely minimalistic and drawn-out. I’m hearing very little melodic content, and the drums are way too up-front in the mix. The mastering is solid, although for a lot of the piece there isn’t a lot to mix and master. The harmonic content is very bare during the track, and after a while the piece just fails to keep me engaged. At the very least, you start using more percussive and ambient effects at around 3:30, perhaps most notably that sound effect at 3:41. This is a catchy piece that makes for good background music. Sounds like something the DJ plays at a smoky club at 3 am when everyone’s already passed out drunk. Unfortunately, as a stand-alone piece it’s just way too repetitive and structurally flat to hold my attention. It has little sense of conclusion, or for that matter of phrasing, climax, or dynamic contrast. I’m seeing a lot of potential here, but in order to capitalize on that potential you have to have a keener sense of pacing, offer more structural variety and melodic content, and maintain a fuller texture. Until then, keep at it, man. ;)