Welcome back! I hope you're here to stay. ;) This is a catchy piece. I think that first bass riff gets a little distorted when the other instruments come in. It's especially noticeable at :16. This is a very bass-heavy piece in general, and I'd caution you against making the frequency range of this piece so lopsided. In fact, you seemed to have enough of treble tones for most of the latter half of the piece. Perhaps it was just the mid-rangers that were missing, but I still think some of those instruments needed a high-pass. Also, there isn't much strong melodic content that's not riff-based. I don't think it's a very effective way of channeling the energy to keep the stop-start form of the more melodic material for the entire piece. That said, you did do a pretty decent job of making it feel climactic with the more intricate harmonies towards the end. Fitting title, too. ;)
Glad to have you back, TeraVex. ^^