I love the atmosphere at the beginning. The explosive transition at :05 was pretty sudden, but worked well in the context of the piece. The mix is very loud, clear, and well-balanced, and the climax into :28 was great. The compression on this piece is SUPER heavy, though. The kick completely hijacks the mix every time it plays, which is actually a bit jarring in the context of the smooth, melodic vibe of the rest of the piece. That's my only real complaint here, though. The composition is fantastic. I love the melodic content, atmosphere, and sound design. The little moment of structural relief at 1:45 was great, and the percussion at around the 2-minute mark is also really cool. I love how the build-up into 2:42 is overlaid with this gorgeous melody. The texture here is so rich and full, too. Your transitions are all very well-done, and I love the spacey, majestic outro. The details of this piece are really strong - the perfect amount of reverb, the rhythmic patterns, all of it. Fantastic piece overall, man. Keep up the good work! ^_^