---Official AIM review---
I like the tranquil mood at the beginning and the cute synth riffs. The vocal sample at :13 works pretty well, too. The entry of the beat at :32 was a tad sudden. I think you could use a riser or something to smooth over that transition. I also think the mix could be a lot louder in the piece. I might suggest some harder compression. The beat itself at :32 is really creative rhythmically and features some great sound design choices, notably the hi-hats. The spacey, lower-energy bit at 1:03 is also a plus. I like the camera FX at around 1:20. Just be careful not to overuse it (same goes for the phone alarm at 2:44). Hi-hats really stand out as driving the piece rhythmically. Again, I’d like to hear a stronger transition into 1:52. Despite the patchwork of very harmonically sound riffs here, I think you could still have some stronger melodic content. You don’t really develop a lot of the riffs (like the one at the very beginning) much as the piece goes on, and the climactic sections (:32 and 1:52) feel heavily chordal in nature. Still, you clearly have a great sense of harmony and rhythm. Overall, this piece is strong. Keep at it, DarkHorseOrchestra!