I like the cute, catchy synth riffs at the beginning. The melodies are really nice, and the glitchy elements of the beat (example, :43) are neat. The texture has a lot of staccato-y elements, which is fine for a while, but could use some more shaking up at some point. The piece flows pretty smoothly, but could also use some more shape at times - the energy level feels pretty constant throughout. I also think the transition at 2:17 was a bit sudden, although I appreciated the variations in the texture there. The production quality is generally solid, and I'm enjoying the loud and clean mix. The section at 3:14 serves as a nice bridge, and the rhythmic content there is especially nice. I think the sound design is one of the strongest elements of this piece, actually - feels perfect for robot day. :) The final iteration of the main riff at 4:16 could've used a bit more development. Going bigger on the final refrain is a generally a good way of making a piece feel more dynamic, especially when it's relatively long like this one. Still, I really like the alternately cute and creepy mood of this one. Certainly seems fitting for a videogame. Keep at it, Codefreq! :)