I like the smooth, trance-ish vibe at the beginning. Sound design is very warm and airy, and the melodic content is great too. Nice sense of climax into :57. The drop was certainly engaging, but not overly heavy. The first drop also provides a good segue to the heavier drop that follows at around 1:20. As always, the production quality is really strong. I think you might've needed a stronger transition into 2:41, though, and I also thought the drum part could've been more creative. The atmospheric part at 3:20 (and the melodic section at 3:35) was probably my favorite section of the track. It just had a very soothing and refreshing sound design. Even with the drop later on in the piece, the piece maintains its blissful character, and the outro at 5:15 was good for adding a little more emotional appeal. Fantastic work overall! Insta-fave and download. Keep up the good work, man! ;)