This is a catchy piece, and I like the somewhat apprehensive vibe at the beginning. It has a good sense of climax into :58. The texture is nice and full, and I appreciated the structural variety you offered at 1:30. The piece is pretty smooth-flowing and well-structured overall, and I appreciated the contrast that 2:14 offered. This piece has a great atmosphere about it too. If I had to critique one thing, it might be that the piece never really returns to the recognizable refrain at :57. You have another emotional height at 2:58, but there it sounds like a completely different melody. I would suggest fleshing out the last climax by using 2:58 as a sort of “transitional melody” after which you build off of the melody at :57. I think that would help the piece achieve an overarching sense of conclusivity and development. I also think you didn’t do anything particularly interesting or unique with the sound design and chord progressions. That said, the mixing and mastering are both very solid and, overall, I’m thoroughly impressed with this piece. Keep up the good work! ;)