The intro was pretty cool. It felt very contained and minimalistic at the beginning, so I enjoyed when you started opening it up a little more at :45. The melodies at 1:15 were a little too jumpy (as opposed to stepwise) IMO. The transition at 1:45 was effective, but I think the pads overwhelm the melodies a bit at 1:47. I would try to create more space for the melodies in the mix with some more careful filtering. That said, one thing you’ve done really well in this piece is created a lot of space (as opposed to overwhelming the listener with constant energetic content). You did a good job of bringing out emotion in this piece, like at 2:49, even if the rhythm was a little square there. I liked the build-up into 3:53, although it doesn’t have quite the same cathartic vibe that 1:47 has. In general, the ending felt a bit rushed, and you could’ve capitalized more on changes for melodic development there. In general, I think you really missed out on some opportunities to vary the rhythm more. From 2:19 to 3:23, the most mobile notes are straight quarters, which, despite the emotion, makes the piece seem a bit dry and robotic. Also, I would’ve liked to see you vary what I regard as the main melody (1:47) later in the piece in a climactic way. Right now, there’s not much of an overarching sense of direction here. There were also parts of the piece that felt a little minimalistic, but I think they could still keep my attention if you incorporated some more dynamic contrast and phrasing. I didn’t think any of your instruments or stylistic choices were very unique either. Fortunately, the mastering is up to par and I enjoyed the emotion and atmosphere. Overall pretty good work. If you fix a couple of structural and instrumentation choices, this would be a really solid piece. Keep at it, man. ;)