I like the intensity at the beginning. It has a great, frantic energy to it. The drums are also really loud and prominent in the mix, which is a huge plus for channeling the energy. I enjoyed the panning at :44, but you don’t provide a lot of structural relief for an extended period of time here. You have a good sense of melody and harmony, but in order to create some structural contrast and maximize the drama of this piece, you needed to have a low-energy breakdown or bridge section at some point. The piece becomes pretty predictable and repetitive after a while, too, and I don’t think you vary the melodies enough later on. The mixing and mastering are strong here, but compositionally you could’ve done a lot more with this. You also do very little to vary the texture at all during the entire piece. You have the bass guitar, lead, and drums (and nothing else) for the entire track. Overall, there are several good ideas here, but you need to offer more structural variety, changing the intensity both within distinct sections and between sections. This piece is oozing with potential, though. Keep at it, man! ;)