I like the crisp beat at the beginning. The intro could’ve been a tad more creative than a fade-in, but the quirky synths and rhythmic content at :12 are neat. The piece is a bit slow to progress, and many of the harmonies sound a bit muddy in the mix. The texture is missing some higher-pitched tones for much of the track, which may be part of the problem. Moving one of two of the riffs up the octave, especially during the first half of the piece, might help separate out the frequencies that the different harmonic instruments are sharing, which will in turn limit distortion in the mix. The transition at 1:29 was a bit sudden, but I like the spidery stringed instrument and more melodic flair the piece develops after that. The piece really comes together once you combine the two themes at 2:10 or so, although some of the new instruments you introduce later on - including the vocal sample at 2:16, the crashes at 2:20, and the ghostly lead synth at 2:33 - take up a tad too much space in the mix IMO. Overall, the sound design and rhythmic content are probably my favorite elements of this piece, but the harmonic content could’ve used a bit more variety at times, and the mix could be tighter. Still, I love the eerie mood and the wonky meter of the piece. With a couple of different sound design choices and some more prominent vocals, I could see this making a really good hip-hop track. Keep at it, SirSandman0! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score