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Pretty catchy, but maybe a little repetitive. Beginning was a little slow, and the transition at :26 was a little rough. Liked the bass instrument, and 2:15 was the highlight of the song for me, which really showed it off. Ending was a little wierd, unless you wanted to loop it, which I didn't think it did very well. I feel like this is just the basic structure for a song, and you should expand on it. Still, pretty good for some "random dnb/dubstep/dance song thing." Keep working on it. :)

rockoncam responds:

thank you for the honest criticism. and very wise words and advice =D

Nice job! The melody is really memorable, and I like the transitions with the open hat. You stuck to your theme of old videogame boss perfectly! The instruments and style of the piece really were loyal to it. Also like the form of the piece. I wish you had some drums in there, though- something cute and simple, at least. Also, not a big fan of the fade-out ending. It always seems a bit lazy to me. Maybe a little repetitive, too, but that's okay. Like I said, memorable melody and good job establishing the theme of the song. Keep it up!

Vahnson responds:

Thanks. The song was originally 1:31 seconds long so its repetitive because it repeats. Most boss themes do not exceed 1 minute and though I have made long boss themes that vary more melodies this theme is for an action platforming style game so a long elaborate theme would not be good since the person playing would probably beat the boss in about 2 minutes. However I see where you are coming from.

Yeah! Easy to get attached to: groovy and relatable. Excellent choice of instruments. Liked the ending, too, and it's hard to find relaxed, throw-back kind of music on NG. Nice work! I feel like I've heard a lot of songs like this before, though- represents most old-fashioned country songs perfectly as far as I'm concerned. You might want to work on the vocals a bit, too- they sounded almost whiney sometimes. Sorry. Still, you got your point across, and I like the style of this piece. It's really something different, and that's a good thing. ;)

BonesUndug22 responds:

Thank you very much for your honest review. Vocals are not my strongest point, so I will take what you say into consideration.

Hmm...love the simplicity of this song. Never imagined an 8-bit tune this slow before. The beat was also very interesting and unique. The melody at 1:24 (and various other parts) is very engaging, and it loops well, too! However, it is not completely original (it is a cover), and you said yourself that it was easy to make. Still, catchy and interesting...4/5, 9/10. :)

Hi, Housecatt. Saw you had another new song, and thought I'd check it out. I like the ominous beginning, and the instruments you used after that were really engaging. Maybe a little repetitive, but I like the end- it's pretty sudden and ominous, like the beginning. I felt like you could've done more with the piece, however, maybe added a little more form to it. Still, while the instruments were bizarre, they were pretty groovy. Fitting title, and much less dissonant and unmelodious than your last piece (but just as unique)! Keep it up! :)

housecatt responds:

thanks man this really helped me out alot and understand what It was you were trying to explain to meh I appreciate the feedback bro :)

Yay! Love the dreamy melody at the beginning, although it did get a little repetitive. Still, I like how you shook it up later in the song, especially when the bass came in at 1:23. I admire the style and form of this piece, especially the transition around 3:40. The drums were a little boring, however, and I feel like they could've added a lot to the emotional contrast of the song- between the rhythmic and lively parts of the song and the melodic parts of the song. I also feel like you could've added more emotion to the piece with a more pronounced chord, or just a different instrument for the chord altogether. The instrument you have for the chord now sounded like an electric guitar to me, which I found interesting, yet perhaps irrelevant to the theme of the song. Still, I liked the ending and title, and, other than the chord, you establish the mood well. Good work. It really grabbed and kept my attention. :)

TjpjMusic responds:

thank you for the excellent review. I greatly appreciated it when someone gives a review that is actually helpful and says what they did and didn't like

thanks :)

hmm...it's very...unique! I like the bass that comes in at :16, but most of the song felt dissonant and didn't have any musical value for me. Sorry. Maybe you could use those effects as transitions, instead of the structure for a whole song. I think the bass at :16 is a better instrument to structure the song around. Also, interesting use of the kick at the beginning. I think it has potential, it just seems...incomplete. Keep working on it; you could make this work! :)

housecatt responds:

thanks for the Information mate, of course these are just demo's my friend and yes they are Incomplete and I am working on a album :) thanks again thedoor6.

Love the effects and style. Like the title, too, even if it's not really part of the song. Interesting instruments, but for me it didn't seem to go too far in the emotional department. I wish you expanded on the deep and whole sound of the first 20 seconds or so. The whole piece sounds like an echo of my day as I drift off to sleep...not a bad thing for an ambience song, but I'm not sure it keeps my attention as well as it should. Btw, love the effect at :31 and the dreamy piano you have in there later in the song. I think you should keep working on it, but great start.

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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