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Really interesting, to say the least. Love the instruments and the harmonies. :29-1:17 almost reminds me of The Script's style (and that's a good thing). Melody was perhaps a little dry, however. I also feel like you wanted this piece to be either smooth and calming, or more energetic, but I can't tell which. Maybe you could try taking a distinctive side with the "bow style," even if those definately aren't real strings. I think it would help this piece reach its full emotional potential. Also, a little repetitive. Still, I like how this piece easily gets stuck in my head, and creates an image of a royal garden. Also love the piano/synth that comes in every 8 beats later in the song. Overall, well done. This is a memorable and creatively written piece. Not perfect, but definately worthy of respect. Therefore, I shall give you, sir, a well-earned 5/5.

BowserThedestructive responds:

Thanks, wasn't expecting little to any feedback on this track. I basically created it today within 2 hours worth of time. When I had no Internet access, aka the name of the track. It soon became catchy, and I soon added to it until it continued to be stuck in my head. With the loop in focus, I did it so it would sound great in the end. The instruments are an electro drum track, I did actually use real strings/instruments in the sense that they came from a sound library known as "miroslav philharmonik". The piano/synth sounding item, is actually in fact a harp. Also included in the track is viola, and violin strings. As well as a two flutes, and a small choir of male/female. I really didn't go into any theme in particular with the song, other than that it became catchy fairly quickly when I started with the base beat. Then I added harmonies, and I can kind of see your thinking of the song I didn't think it could fit anything other than being catchy. Thanks for the review!

Yay! Love the emotion in this piece, and well-structured too. 1:08 was a valuable transition. Liked the beginning, too...pretty different. I must say, however, not the most original work I've seen on NG. I'm sorry to say that the bassline is a little too familiar for me, you know? Other than that, excellent work. Classic example of upbeat techno. I see you've already drawn in a few fans, well-deserved. ;)

DJ-Frosted responds:

Hey thanks man! Yeah i do over use that bass a little bit... but i made it and didn't copy anyone else :)

i'll make a new bass eventually.. >_< (sound production is very time consuming)

Hello, again, Gunmaster. It's still, well, pretty good! Rhythm stood out to me this time, whereas last time I was wondering where the melody was XD Also, the ending stood out to me too. I like the sudden ending as opposed to the "classic fade-out," but that's just me. Btw, I realized that 2:13 wasn't just my computer glitching, it was part of the song...and I like that! It's interesting and unique. Besides what I simply didn't pay attention to, it almost felt to me like the same song as version 1.2. When I mentioned the simplicity of the song last time, I was suggesting that you add depth the song. I didn't really see more depth here. Maybe you could add a sub-bass line or something? Anyway, keep working on it. Still think you've got potential. :)

Awesome song! Love the climax and mix of different genres. Loved it when the bass came in at 1:01. Loops pretty well, too. There's a lot of passion in this song, but I still want more! I think you could make the climax even more dramatic. That contrast between the beginning and 1:01 is what makes this song what it is, but it could still be more extreme. You say it's a work in progress, and this is a great start, uplifting after a long week. I look forward to hearing more of you soon.

Pretty good! I liked the beat at the beginning and the transitions a lot, but honestly I was expecting a little more of the melody. It was pretty climactic, which is good, but it felt a little too...simple at times. Still, I like the instruments you used and the beat and I think you have potential, so keep it up! :)

gunmaster4ever responds:

i made a new version, hope you like it even more ^^

A gripping, epic 5-minute guitar solo! The bell was a nice touch, too, especially at the beginning and end. I do realize that your focus was on the melody, but I'll have to agree with you that the drums weren't as good as they could've been. I also noticed that you used some very similar instruments for a lot of your songs. Creating some variety might be a worthwhile next step for you, Goukisan. Still, the melody was top-notch and the goa-like build-up of the song was well done. Keep up the good work!

I love the style of this piece, and how the melody hides under the bass at different points in the song (e.x.: 0:26). When you bring that bass out, it has a powerful effect! Almost all aspects of the song are very catchy, and you couldn't have chosen better instruments for the song. I easily put you onto my favorites list, Paragon. Thank you!

Wow! I love the dreamy quality of the song! The melody easily gets stuck in my head. The transitions are very well done, and the instruments are very well-used. I also like how the piece uses a lot of echoes. The harmonies in this piece are to die for...my favorite is at 1:23. How the melody rises (0:21, 1:38) also makes the piece somewhat uplifting. Digital Spirit is also a very good name for the song, although the music is what makes this song excellent. This song is a perfect example of why I love trance!

Hi, Waterflame! What I really like about this submission is the instruments you used. Creating a piece that has a choir, strings, a cute synth (0:43) and a techno-y bass is very unique and entertaining. Your transitions were beautiful and I love the style of the piece. You made it both dreamy and energetic, which I would also consider both unique and entertaining. Your piece captures the complicated and, ironically, warm nature of this "village up north."

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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