I like the energy at the beginning and the build-up into :22. Some of the instruments here are a bit cheesy, including the pads at the very beginning and the thin, minimal clap at :03. The mix could use some tightening up. The kick drum seems to be distorting the other instruments a lot throughout the first 20 seconds - you might consider looking into sidechaining in your DAW to help fix that, but you may also have the use and equalizer (“EQ”) to filter out the bass tones (less than ~200 Hertz) in the other instruments.
Mixing aside, the transition at :46 was a bit sudden, as was the one at 1:00. I’d suggest looking into using more risers, sweeps, automation, and/or filtering to help smooth over some of the transitions here. Otherwise, the piece gets pretty repetitive later on, and I would’ve liked to see you vary the main riffs here more to give the composition a stronger sense of progression over time.
But if there’s one compositional element of the piece I think could use some work, it’s the arrangement. Basically, the middle section of the piece from :40 to 1:05 or so sounds like a choppy series of harmonic ideas, as opposed to a fluid, well-connected narrative. Mixing effects like reverb, as well as simple drum fills and crashes, may help create that type of connection, but eventually I’d suggest experimenting with more subtle phrasing details like filtering automations on harmonic instruments. You’re already using sweeps and build-ups during the first 30 seconds of the piece and again at 1:22, which is good, but the middle section of the piece could use some more smoothing over.
Still, I enjoyed the catchy rhythmic content and a lot of the individual riffs, like the robotic-sounding synth that first comes in at :03. You clearly already have a good sense of rhythm and harmony. Now I just want to see you work on your sense of progression, and also clean up the mixing a tad. Keep at it, Pooo1! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score