---Official AIM review---
I like the ominous mood at the beginning. Nice use of atmosphere and sound design. The progression is a tad slow-paced, but the texture has a great call-and-response between the bell-like synths and orchestral swells. The percussion could’ve been a bit more creative - mostly consisted of a kick drum until around 1:25. Nice use of panning at 1:38. The minimalism is starting to wear on me a bit by this point, and I think the piece could benefit from some melodic content or something. There’s a lot of tension built up in this piece, and not a lot of release of said tension. The part at 2:25 was quite a nice balance of being sharp, but not overly harsh. After quite a change-of-pace, the orchestral bit at 3:25 felt really nice. I think my main worry production-wise is an excess of reverb, and also that the percussion doesn’t come through very clearly at times, notably around the 4-minute mark. The distorted vocals at 4:34 are absolutely haunting. Excellent job with the instrumentation and atmosphere here. I would’ve appreciated the addition of some melodic content during the bridge at 2:44, though. Something equally as haunting as the rest of the piece, but a bit more grounded harmonically (an echoy piano, perhaps? Emotional strings?). Either way, strong work here. Keep it up, FateModified!