I like the eerie low-register rumblings at the beginning. The mixing sounds fine - I can hear all most of the instruments clearly throughout, although the bassy instrument gets a bit murky after a while. Frankly, I'm impressed so many of your other songs sound as clean and clear as they do without EQs. In general, your mixing is pretty good, and I'm glad you have another tool in the toolbox now.
The composition here sounds a bit thrown-together, though. The instruments don't always blend well with each other, and a lot of the entrances are pretty sudden (like the ghostly mid-range synth at :58). Between 1:10 and 1:30 or so, there's quite a bit of dissonance between the chords that play on the downbeats and the other instruments. The melodies could use a lot more variety, too, although the main one (at :58 and 2:13) is pretty catchy. I would encourage you to use more melodies that have longer, held out notes - often, they're more memorable that way.
Good to see you're still doing so much experimenting with new tools/ideas. :) Happy holidays, CF24!