Hey! Sorry for the slow response. I like the gritty atmosphere at the beginning, but after a while I might suggest dialing back the grainy mid-range white noise (featured prominently at the very beginning) and using reverb or other "smoother" textures to fill the mix. The drums duck under the mix after a while, and it's especially noticeable after 1:09. The risers/sweeps give the piece a decent sense of ebb and flow despite the repetitive harmonic content, and in general I really like the ominous and foreboding mood. That said, I think the sound design is a bit unpolished too, and some of the instruments don't blend very well together. Adding some higher-pitched melodies or atmospheric elements might help balance out the frequency range and take the edge off some of the murkier sound design elements. Overall, not your best work, but you definitely got the thematic content right: it sounds like the beginning stages of a slow-burning robot takeover-themed horror movie. :) Keep at it, Mesage!