I like the beat at the beginning, but it’s a bit dry. Some reverb could really help give it some more atmosphere. The harsh synth that plays on beats 2 and 4 after :22 gets a little obnoxious. The atmospheric pads and floaty synths that come in at :55 are nice, though. I liked the breakdown in the texture at 1:05, although this piece progresses pretty slowly. I like the vocal samples at around 1:50 too. The climax at 2:25 ended up being pretty anticlimactic when it led to the minimalism at 2:35. I think the vocals at 3:30 (and other places) could stand to be a little more upfront in the mix - after all, it’s the principal melodic content in the piece. I appreciated that you were taking the piece in a different direction at 4:48. The piece also feels pretty climactic at around the 6-minute mark, which is good. I don’t think the piece needed to be quite this long, though. You fill a lot of the texture with parts that are similar to 2:35, with the only moving part being the filtered synth bass. Overall, this is pretty solid work. Giving a little more emphasis to the melodic elements here (and less on the progressive beats) might help consolidate the theme and give the piece some more shape, though. Keep at it, man. ;)