I like the quirky synths and pads at the beginning. There’s a lot of overlap in the frequencies between the two main riffs at the beginning - maybe some stereo widening would help keep them more distinct in the mix? You could also just transpose one of them up or down the octave, respectively. You also go in a very different direction with this piece with the heavy guitars at :21. I like the solo at :42, and the transition at 1:00 was really neat. The way the crash cuts off at 1:05 sounds a bit unnatural, and then you transition pretty abruptly into the more downtempo section at 1:06. Overall, I think the pacing of this piece is way too fast. It’s just very jarring when the texture shifts so dramatically every 10 seconds or so. I think this piece would make for a nice, longer piece with some more gradual transitions and a better integration of all of these thematic elements and motifs, but right now it sounds like you just tried to cram way too many ideas into 2 minutes. Other than the choppy arrangement, I like the sound design and a lot of the individual riffs, including the cutesy pad/arpeggio combo at 1:43. This piece has a lot of potential, and I hope you’ll keep working on it! In the meantime, thanks for coming out to the NGUAC this year, recme! Been an absolute pleasure having you. ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score