Interesting piece. The melody instruments are really quirky and cool, especially the one at the very beginning. I liked your transitions a lot, like at :17, :38, etc. It's a bit of a fast-paced piece, though, and I think you could've fleshed out some of these ideas more. For example, 1:14 seems a bit out-of-place and you might've done more to create a build-up into it (priming the listener by using some of those heavier synths earlier on, even only on the downbeat of a measure after a transitory moment). That said, the latter half of the piece has a great sense of power and energy to it. I think you need to work on your mixing a bit. During that really intense section from around 1:45 - 2:15 the kick drum could've come through a lot clearer, and at 1:58 the lead is clearly getting distorted by the other instruments (listen to how much more up-front it sounds at 2:13). I would make sure all of your instruments are Equalized properly, especially on the low-frequency end (you really only want the bass and kick to be making sound down there). If you don't know what I'm talking about just PM me. Overall, this is a catchy and fun piece, man. Keep at it! ;)