Ooooo...I like this! The piano is very soothing and tranquil, as well as fitting for winter. I thought the drums were a little unnecessary, or at the very least didn't need to be so energetic. It kind of detracted from the mood of the piece at times. Maybe some strings or something would've been appropriate. That said, I absolutely love the piano improv. It's very well-varied, has a good sense of direction, and flows very smoothly. I like how the brass and drums come back in later...that part didn't take away from the mood so much IMO. Nice job with the structuring and all. It may have ended a little suddenly, though. Instead of just fading out the drum riff after the big climactic point of the piece, I would've taken 4 or 8 bars or so to wind everything down a bit more, you know? Overall, though, great work! Happy holidays, Adieuwinter! :D Hope this review was helpful...