Fantastic! :D I love the pizzicato-esque beginning - combined with the reverb, it really conveys a dark yet also strangely calming mood effectively. The harmonies and melodies were, as always, excellent, although I think you did an especially good job this time of creating a sufficient amount of fill throughout the piece. I love the title by the way - it really speaks to the mood of the piece. Of course, the glitches always help - a piece of yours can never be completely pure again, can it, Johnfn? XD I think the drums at 2:25 are a little too loud. I understand that you were trying to add energy/drama, but I think you over-did it a bit. You did a good job of creating contrast and variety throughout, though, especially with that "high point"/climax between around 3:00 and 3:30. The chill yet ominous mood it takes on around 4:00 is really interesting. I love all the reverb on the drums there, too - they really add to the sense of mystery. I love those pads that keep fading in and out of the mix for the last 1.5 minutes or so - they appear most prominently at 4:20, I believe. I thought ending with the piano was very fitting as well. Amazing work as always, Johnfn! :D