I liked the instruments and mood a lot, but I wish there was some more harmonizing besides that 8-bit synth that comes in at :31. I thought it looped very well, and was very catchy by the end. I think you could've done a lot more with the drums and melodic development of it, though. I also think it was a little cliché. Sorry, LunacyEcho. I agree that it's not your best work, but I think you could still potentially do a lot with this. Also, don't feel like you're ignoring us. In a way, we're ignoring you too! ;D If there's one thing I've learned about the Internet from my 1.5+ years on NG, it's that you should give what you get, even if you don't get what you give. As far as I'm concerned, you've reviewed every single track I've created since I met you, and I've reviewed (almost) every track of yours as well. You've ignored nothing! ;D