I like the ominous atmosphere and soulful guitar solos at the beginning. The texture is pretty heavy and indistinct at :28, with the drums falling a tad flat. Then the mood shifts rather abruptly at :56, although I like the laid-back jazzy harmonies and rhythmic elements there. The mid-range bass is a bit too prominent in the mix at around 1:30 onwards compared to the pads and guitar melodies, and eventually it got a little irksome and grating when you used it to trace out all of the chord changes. The isolated guitar solos at 2:48 work well to provide a bit of a break in the action, and the energetic section at the end helps hit the piece home. I applaud your compositional risk-taking and unique sound design here. I think the mix could benefit from reining in some of these volume levels and scaling back the reverb and effects during some of the transitions. The drums, guitar solos, and other melodies should probably be the loudest element in the texture for most of the piece, not the mid-range bass or sweeps. I also think that, while it helps smooth over the transitions, the thick wall of reverb (like at :27) probably shouldn’t completely overwhelm the rest of the instruments for 5 seconds at a time. Still, you get full credit for originality, and strong scores for both composition and instrumentation here. Solid work, AlphezGD! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score