I really like the articulations at the beginning (i.e., how the note lengths alternate every 2 notes between legato and staccato). Between that riff and the pulsing pads the atmosphere just sounds beautiful. I wanted the drums at :44 to be a bit stronger in the mix, but perhaps it fits the character of the piece better if they’re a little on the soft side. The piece is a little slow to develop at first, but by 1:12 there’s a very different pattern of emphasis in the rhythmic framework that comes across as a bit jarring. I also think you tried to do a little too much with the melodies after around 1:20, as it was difficult to follow the harmonies there. The chill section at 1:40 leaves me even more confused about where this piece is going, but the re-introduction of the riff at 1:55 helped clarify things a bit. The pause at 2:50 threw me off the mark again, but 2:51 was the point of arrival and structural stability that I was looking for in the first ⅔ of the piece. It’s still pretty short-lived, and I think this piece does end up feeling pretty incoherent after a while, between the overwhelming number of distinct sections and a somewhat choppy arrangement at times (I think the sudden transitions at 1:12 and 3:19 are big culprits for me in that regard). Still, the melodies, atmosphere, and sound design in this piece are so beautiful that I want to like this piece a lot more than I probably do. I think you guys might need to consolidate your ideas a little more next time, though, because after a couple of listens I’m still a little lost with this one. Hope that makes sense. Overall, though, there’s a lot to like here, not least of which are the moody piano plinks and scrumptious wave-like pads. Keep at it, guys! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score